Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Barbara came over today and was so helpful. She got all my prescriptions filled, bought me a "pill minder" (I guess I've officially entered old age now), and the finished unpacking my suitcase, did all sorts of things which was a huge help to me. Now Marilyn comes tomorrow and hopefully we can finish what we didn't get to today -- still have stacks of mail, etc. No matter how much I seem to throw away, the pile doesn't seem to go down.

The physical therapist comes tomorrow as well as some home visiting doctor. My phone wasn't fixed... The Verizon guy was good and smart, but Verizon HQ didn't do what they were supposed to do so it's still broken. Have another appt for tomorrow.

So life continues...

Oh, I forgot: Barbara thought I was too hard on the Affordable Health Care Act, but I must say my new insurance company has been a dream come true. Right now, out of pocket, out of a huge, and I mean huge bill, I owe about $1500. Today when Barbara went for the prescriptions, there was no copay so it was all "free." So here's to Obama and the Affordable Health Care Act.

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