Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ice Cream and Tree - Part 2

Craving ice cream, I checked out Culver's nearest store and saw:

This flavor did not appeal to me -- seemed too sweet and I don't like liquor mixed with any kind of sweet food.
So I go to the next Culver's which is about five minutes away.
 -- Hmmmmm... just plain raspberry so I gave it a shot.
This is two scoops in a waffle cone.

The raspberries were real fruit, not frozen, very, very tasty
One side, and then the other. And you can see the infamous car pass -- the pink paper in the left hand corner.


 And one more photo of my favorite tree in the sunlight:



Anonymous said...

Beautiful tree and yummy ice cream. Stephanie

fran said...

The tree hugger loves his tree...what did you name it? And please pack some raspberry ice cream and deliver to DC, pleeze?