Thursday, April 16, 2015

Stairs Guys are Here

Halleluia! Two guys are here working, and apparently are doing a good job. Of course they were late. I find the noise and the intrusion very disquieting (literally) and I found myself about to start crying. Didn't know why other than feeling as if I have no reserve for super-loud drills and two strange men making sawdust. Then Lane called and talked me off the ledge. Told me my sacred space was being violated and how she knew what that felt like. It sounds very dramatic, but it's true. She said I needed serenity now and this is not serenity. She told me to think about the end, when the stairs are fixed, and I know that... it will be one fewer reminder of a horrible night.

Later that same day....

Two guys got here around 10:30, left at 2:30. To my eye, they did a good job... you could tell they took pride in what they did-- the kind of thing where the lead guy told me some extras he did, just on his own... I could see him testing and measuring... then the #2 guy cleaned up really well... lots of sawdust, etc. and it looks clean.

So now it's fixed with one exception.... there are two new pieces which need to be stained. The lead guy told me he's the "installer" not the "stainer" -- and later he said that you couldn't stain today anyway because the glue has to dry... so it's now 80% done.

I have paid for half of this and I wasn't asked for more -- good on two fronts... one I am just about tapped out of $$ following tax day and two... the balance I owe will be motivation for the guy to send a stainer and get this done. But it does look so much better, even with the non-stained parts.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Good news! So glad they did a good could have easily gone the other way. And you have leverage to get it finished! No stainy no money!😝