Monday, April 22, 2013

Mary Heads Home

Mary's team during the race. Whoops -- I realize that the headline doesn't go with this photo. I've made it sound as if Mary is paddling her way home which could take a long time. Actually she's on the car train headed North.
Wrong order, but dessert first. This is Mary's chocolate peanut butter pie on the train heading home.
And this is her vegetarian lasagna. She's on the car train headed North and will be home by noon on Monday.


mary mc said...

The train is early so I should get to Lorton in time to hit Monday morning traffic. It was was a nice smooth ride. I'm glad I have a short car ride from the station. Some. Of the others on the train have 6-7 hour drives ahead of them.

Anonymous said...

That pie looks DELICIOUS! Can you get a few slices to go? Stephanie

Mary Mc said...

It was outrageous - like a peanut butter chocolate candy pie! I'd send you some but I don't think it keeps well ;)