Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Catching Up

I haven't posted in a while because my Internet was down. You are just up you-know-what creek without a paddle with no Internet. I have 20+ networks that come into my apartment, and luckily one of them (named "Lucky Chi") is not protected. But the signal was weak; however, I was just grateful to get on at all --- but it was the kind of thing where to open an email would take 90 seconds or so.

My router is downstairs, but my stair railings still aren't fixed (that's another story!) and I was so tempted to try it, but wisdom reigned and I didn't. I knew it wasn't my computer since I could get on with Lucky Chi. So Marilyn came today and the first order of business was to unplug and plug in my router --- and that did the trick. I am so grateful that's all it was.

It was in the high 50s today -- when Marilyn was here, we had the door open the whole time and that fresh air felt so good.

As for my stairs, I am thinking of joining Angie's List --- I think it is $20 a year. My problem is that the person/company that was recommended to me just doesn't show up or communicate... well, he communicates sporadically. It doesn't help my mental health to see this broken staircase so I need to get on that.

1 comment:

Mary said...

glad you're back :)