Sunday, May 29, 2011

Judy's Birthday Party

Mary and her sister Judy and my friend Stephanie had a lovely dinner birthday party tonight at my place. Mary took the train. Judy took the bus. Stephanie walked and I didn't have to do anything!

In true New York style, I ordered in dinner (oh wait, does putting Pepperidge Farm goldfish in a bowl count as "serving hors d'ouevres'?). We had a smorgasbord of food from an Italian place called Delizia 92 located at 92nd and Second Avenue of various pastas, stuffed mushrooms, sauteed broccoli, salad, garlicky rolls. We dug in!

Then Stephanie brought this lovely little cake from Little Red Hen which was chocolate mousse with deep chocolate cake and I got some Ben & Jerry's vanilla for the top. Mary and I had a cup of great coffee with it and it was the perfect complement.

We had party favors, presents, lots of talk and a good time was had by all. Here are Judy and Mary with Judy's birthday cake:

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