Saturday, October 29, 2016

Barb's Birthday Bash

Michelle and Tom came from Texas; Mary came from DC and I came from the Upper East Side to Barb's place for a Pat, Barb, Michelle October birthday bash.

We had wonderfual fajitas, corn salad, chips and salsa. Mary made Rachel Ray's sangria which was wonderful.. wait, EVERYTHING was wonderful.

I also made a Jeopardy game where Michelle, Barb and Mary played... and Michelle, the dark horse, least money going into Final Jeopardy won.

Tom and Michelle brought a Trump pinata, complete with pinata stick, which we are going to hit later tonight (birthday bash goes on for two days.)

First time to meet Baby Teddy who really is a well-behaved and friendly pooch.

Barb's decorations

Our shared birthday cake -- cheesecake!

More decorations.

Barb keeping her distance from Donald


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