Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Day in the Life of a Political Activist

This is Mary getting ready for the Women's March. I sent her my scarf to wear on my behalf, and the hat is from Michelle, and the jacket is one Judy (sister) likes.

on the way to the march

On the subway -- this is Barb with the sign

Quick stop down memory road at the IRS where Mary and Barb were coworkers -- yikes, back in the 1970s!


For the next group, Mary writes:

The first sign says "Women are the wall and Trump will pay"
Just realized these are in reverse chronological order, if that matters.  I can't overstate how amazing this was.

Mary says:
Wow.  Lots of great people too, from Oregon,, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Canada...

In sum, Mary says:

It was a very positive, uplifting, hopeful crowd. A very small percentage of the signs were tasteless or crude or maybe a little angry, but overall it was so so calm and enthusiastic.  It was a great feeling to be part of the crowd, it felt almost like a pep rally.  Chants of love over hate, things like that.  I am so glad we went and I was happy to have Pat's scarf and Michelle's hat and Judy's jacket 😁👍🚸


Barb says: Mary and Teddy relaxing after the march. Milo no where to be found!

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