Monday, May 30, 2016

Really NIce Story

Last Monday, Ana told me how she was going to her daughter Corina's college graduation on Friday so today I asked how it went, and she told me (eventually I figured out what she was tellig me) is that Corina graudated summa cum laude. The ceremony was at Madison Square Garden.

Whatever university official presented Cornia with the summa cum laude designation talked about her and then asked, "Where are the mother and the father?" and Ana and her husband stood up in Madison Square Garden (saw photos!) and got a standing ovation. Corina talked about how hard it was to work nights and then go to school at 8 am. and thanked her parents.

Their other daughter Vanessa has a master's degree in Accounting and works at Pfizer. She is married with an adorable little boy.

When Ana and I were looking at the photos on her phone, she started crying again -- she told me she cried for two days... Corina had told her parents she had a surprise for them, but didn't tell them what. I was getting misty-eyed myself thinking of this American Dream coming true. Two hard working parents who really did sacrifice for their kids to give them a better life... Mission Accomplished! I told Ana how proud she must be to have two such accomplished daughters. I am so happy for her.