Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Pies!

I don't know what part of Thanksgiving I like the best -- mashed potatoes and stuffing is a contender, but so are pies!

Here are Mary's contribution to her family Thanksgiving... with her commentary... Mary typically bakes, but this year, she bought.

She says:

I just picked up the pies I bought from Food & Friends and they are gorgeous!  The other nice thing is that they are fully baked - I thought I'd have to thaw and bake them.  I think I might bake the apple pies anyway just to get the juices flowing. The pies are, from left to right, pumpkin, apple, and chocolate brownie amaretto.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have a slice (or two, or three) of each...globs of ice cream on top, please....yum yum yum
