Thursday, June 4, 2015

The World is divided into...

two groups: people who do x and people who do y.

Barbara was here last night and she put ice in glasses for our drinks. When I went to get ice this morning, I saw that the ice cube tray looked something like this:

When I use ice, I ALWAYS refill the ice cube tray all the way before putting it back in the freezer, but I know (from Barbara) and also from other peoples houses that they don't do that -- they use all the ice before refilling.

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who refill the ice cube tray immediately and those who use all cubes before refilling.

Which are you?


  1. I usually put it away without filling it

  2. I WAS NOT chastsing you; just observing... why would I alienate my cheesecake connection?? No way!

  3. My automatic ice machine ALWAYS fills my tray. S.
