I love the names of the ladies from the Islands who work as aides. This is the lady who was my aide this morning and gave me my first shower in a long time -- not enough hot water so it perked me right up, but I have clean hair and smell good now. She also "fixed" my slippers so that they fit -- by ripping the sheepskin lining out -- but now I have slippers. We high fived in the shower... I thought her name was Sybil, but it's Civil... I was kidding that she was my stylist -- picked out my dress, combed my hair, sprayed me with body mist.
My stylist Civil and me. |
The red scarf was delivered by FedEx from Lane who suggested I wait until Christmas to open it. Hell, no. So it's this wonderful pure wool soft as anything scarf in Holly Jolly Christmas red along with a note to remind me tha the warmth of the scarf is likt the warmth of my friends around me.
I had PT this morning. Russell came for a long visit, and Mary came for a visit. All is well.
Two big differences between here and the Institution. The Institution did not allow cameras of any sort and had signs about it. Here they allow them, of course. Also, no family was allowed in the PT room but here Russ could come in the room and watch me struggle a bit, but I am open to any exercise, any task, any anything they want me to try.
Having a Holly Jolly Christmas in my brand new cozy scarf. |