Thursday, October 23, 2014

Safari - Part 2

This is Mary's outdoor shower which she describes as "lovely."
Mary says: This family was on my deck for hours one afternoon. They're small deer like animals called Klipspringers (hope I spelled that right. I'll check later.)
Mary says: I think this guy will be recognizable.
Mary says:
The dad is on the right, the kids beside them. They were sleeping when a group of zebras came by and the guides thought there would be a fight (apparently that's what people really want to see) but the zebras wandered off just in time.


  1. I would like Mary to explain how she wasn't bare ass to the plains of Africa.

  2. These pictures are amazing - how wonderful it must be to see all these animals up close.

  3. I was bare assed but not in view of any person unless they strayed off the path. Out of respect, the wild animals steered clear as well.
