Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pleasant Lunch

Someone who works at my Ohio client was in town and he came over for lunch, first stopping at Tal Bagels for sandwiches for us, which turned out to be a good choice since he told me he loves all deli food. He had an interesting NY experience in that this old man in front of him ordered chicken noodle soup and then said "but no noodles and no chicken, just the broth" -- the clerk asked the owner how much to charge and the owner quickly responded "same price, same price."

It's a weird NY thing that you can order all your food custom. Many times I've heard people order "well done" bagels or something on the side. When Barbara and I do our scrambled egg lunches, we do well done bacon and well done fries. I order my scrambled eggs "soft."

We talked about everything from the joy of totally thinly sliced meat to classic books we've read to White House intruders, fatherhood, etc. He told me a funny story about his six year old daughter. He had come home to find his wife having a serious discussion with their daughter who said to her mom, "Don't blame me, you're the one who raised me." And I said, "well, she's right."

I told him at the end that if this were our first date, I'd want a second, and he joked, "this might be a good time to tell you I'm married with two kids."

And yes, we both had turkey and swiss on a sesame bagel.

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