Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lovely Lunch with Judy

You know I'm a creature of habit when it comes to food, so when my friend Judy joined me for lunch, I had her stop at Tal Bagels for a repeat of the pickle/chicken salad sandwich.
I know I'm not pregnant, but I've had a pickle craving lately.

This is chicken salad and shredded lettuce on an everything bagel. You can see the nice hunks of chicken. Plus every so often, you get a nice bit of salt from the everything bagel. Mmmmmmmm.
So I knew Judy likes all that deli fish and she got a whitefish salad on a bagel. She also asked for both our bagels to be toasted.

She added tomato to hers which looks like a sesame bagel.

And some juicy fruit salad on the side...

Judy bought herself this green smoothie thing that looked horrid, like some fluid you wouldn't want to see coming out of your body, but it is a HEALTHY DRINK!
Judy and I were in kindergarten together so we reminisced. Post-lunch, we started talking about Girl Scout camp which we both adored. Camp Blue Bay! We want a time machine -- just the details we remember about that place. It was heaven. I said I even remember the camp songs and we had a singalong of Camp Blue Bay songs -- how come I can remember every lyric to Camp Blue Bay songs and can't remember Mary's phone number at times? Anyway, it was a great lunch and a fun time.

Oh I've got bites on my fingers
and cuts on my toes
sticks and stones to sleep on
and a red, red sunburned nose
but oh my dear family
I'm writing home to say
I'm having such a jolly time at Camp Blue Bay!!!!

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