Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PT again

I have three more PT appointments. Today we went out to the street and practiced going up and down the curb and then I walked in the opposite direction of my usual corner so that was good. I had no trouble with the curbs as they are quite low on this block. Very hot and humid today. Steve told me that I am ready to graduate and he said, "Do you agree?" and I said "yes" but then thought about it and said, "What's entailed in graduation?" and it was just the last appointment. He also gave me a speed test today -- to walk a certain distance with and without the cane and I've gone from 23 seconds to 17 seconds to 13 seconds today. Starting from a sitting position. So it all went well.

Then Barbara came for dinner and we ordered Chinese food and came up with this perfect combinationb -- fried pork dumplings, then crispy beef and then a separate vegetable dish which was fresh green beans in "pickled garlic" -- they were so good... tasted like very light garlicky string beans with a sort of smoky flavor to them.

We're supposed to have a rainy Fourth of July so I guess I don't have to unpack my bikini.

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