Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let It Snow!

I am unnaturally thrilled -- meaning more than I should be -- that I am at home, safe and sound, not having to travel, fly, drive, hail a cab -- nothing! with the impending snow. I don't care when it starts, when it stops or how much accumulates. I have groceries, milk, eggs, bread, and I started today with a healthy bowl of high-fiber oatmeal! I really am grateful to not be checking the weather every 15 minutes and then going to the airline website or looking at a map. No place like home!


  1. I don't even have milk and other stuff in the house but I didn't feel like going out tonight so I came home. The bad thing is how cold it's supposed to be tomorrow. I'm hoping it's either really bad or really good so the decision about whether to go in to the office is an easy one. It's snowing now.

  2. You are very lucky that you do not have yo leave your home to go to work. That is a scene I will never forget. I always worked within walking distance so I was expected to be there no matter what and I never disappointed. I do know how much you appreciate what comes your way and rightly so. I hope it is not as bad as predicted and that you stay nice and warm and cozy at home.


  3. I had to catch the Metro North to CT after work tonight and was anxious - glad to be home now!

  4. So glad you are not having to fight that weather. Very cold here too (28 is very cold for Texas!). There are more than a few advantages to working from home!
