Thursday, June 13, 2013

Internet Pics

We're all drawn in to the headlines to make us click on something to read the whole article or see the picture, and yesterday I was lured in to funny things kids have done on school papers. Some of them were really unintentionally funny or unintentionally clever, but I can't stop thinking about this one:


You probably can't read the type -- but here's the back story. Of course, the mom looks like a stripper on the pole, and think how sad (and sort of funny) that the kid wants to be like her mom. 
The typed comments below the drawing is from the mother where she says she is not and never has been a stripper. In fact, she works at Home Depot and for a big snow storm she only had one snow shovel (stripper pole) left to sell and a bunch of customers all wanted it and so she had to decide who got the last snow shovel. The mother ends the comments by saying that she will look at her daughter's homework more closely next time.

I have to share two more. This first one -- cause and effect -- I guess the right answer is that the kid gets to be a better piano player, but I like this answer better-- and looking at the piano player it seems accurate:

And finally, I'll end on a tragi-comic note. You can see the kid was supposed to fill this in as "sad" on the frowny face pic, but evidently there is talk of STDs at his house. I don't think I knew about STDs until I was in high school!

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