Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2 Twitter pics

I follow an odd mix of people on Twitter -- politicians, comedians, average people I don't know, etc. In addition to words, you can Tweet photos, and here are two favorites -- one from Father's Day and one from today.

This is Mike Wolfe, one of the stars of American Pickers on the History Channel. I like the show and I like him. I follow him on Twitter. I don't know his family situation, but this appears to be his daughter, and he posted it on Father's Day. The photo has such a great compostion -- part professional photo (maybe) and part snapshot. It just captures perfectly the love they have for one another.

This is from a woman named Muriel B who is a 94-year old New Yorker who quilts and bakes and is just a lively old lady. The words accompanying this photo said if a planter can make you smile, it must be art. Didn't know what to expect when I clicked on the photo, but it must be art because I smiled. The top left reminds me of the big hair of the 1980s.

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