Thursday, September 27, 2012

Meandering Thoughts for Thursday

Here's one of the reasons I like Twitter -- it allows people to express petty annoyances and actually have an audience. Someone I follow on Twitter just sent:

Once again for the courtesy impaired: if you're driving and someone slows to let you in wave a thank you.

This is one of my pet peeves too. On numerous occasions, I have let people out of a fast-food place or gas station when there's a long line at a light -- they would be waiting forever if I weren't such a fine fellow, and it appalls me when they don't even acknowledge I've done something nice.

On the other hand, I probably go overboard with my own waving and thank yous. I wave once when I realize the favor is being offered, then I wave again after I complete the maneuver, then about two seconds later, I do another wave sort of in my rear view mirror to express my gratitude one last time.

New topic: Ana was here and I heard glass breaking and then a gasp from her. Ohhhhhhh Patreeeeeeciaaaaa. All I could think is "whatever it is, I don't care." I was mentally scanning my living room thinking what broke that I really care about? Of course I have things that I like, but I don't ever want to care more about things than people. She came in and showed me, and at first I didn't recognize it, but it was part of a candle holder. Her eyes were filled with tears. Oh yeah, as if I'd start screaming at her.

I said calmly, "don't worry, i don't care" and I am slightly handicapped by her lack of English language skills so I rubbed her back and said, "I don't care. Just be careful with the broken glass."

New topic: No mice, dead or alive. Ana was going on about cock-ee today, it was something good like she didn't find any new cockeee so I just said "Ok, good."

New topic: The windows are open and some incredibly yummy smell is currently wafting through the windows...beef, garlic... my stomach is rumbling. I'm not sure where it's coming from. Every so often, my neighbor used to grill steaks and that was hard to resist going outside and begging them for a bite or two.

New topic: I've been going through a period of having very vivid, detailed dreams that really make no sense. I hear a commercial for a drug where one of the side effects are "vivid or unusual dreams" and I always think that would be a good thing, an interesting thing.

New topic: I don't drink coffee every day, but I had a large glass of iced coffee at lunch, and I can vouch for the fact that coffee is a diuretic.

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