Sunday, July 22, 2012

Made it to Oshkosh

Arrived in Oshkosh around 3 pm today. It was a fairly easy drive from Elkhart. Today I was enjoying following my route on the AAA map. I hadn't realized how close I am./was to Lake Michigan and I was thinking that if I drive again next year, I'll drive the extra 30 miles or so and find some great little place on the Lake.

Used my car pass for the first time. Oh my God, I was so thankful. You pass about 3 to 4 checkpoints where you stop while they OK you to go on. I was muttering, well, happily muttering thanks to all involved who got me my pass. Then I went to one of my clients' tent and got a wrist band so I am fully credentialed. Now all I have to do is have the occasional fretting episode that someone will break into my car and steal my pass which is spot glued, as required, to the window. I never leave the car unlocked, ever, even for 60 seconds.

I've checked into the hotel, and I am glad that I had called to confirm my reservation a few days back, even though I had to totally pay in advance. It was one of those things where the clerk looked all concerned tapping into his computer, asking me to spell my name again, searching, tapping... always love hearing the refrain,"Patricia?"

It's hot here and supposed to be 98 tomorrow... right now, it looks like it's about to storm. On with the photos:

West from Indiana to Illinois

Don't remember why I took this one

About 20 minutes past Chicago, first sign indicating Wisconsin

This is my photo to complain about the big lines for the "cash only" lines. I really can see why people get EZ Pass.

My hotel room. This is a Microtel and they all have this cushioned window seat, with the a/c and heater below. I always think a kid  or a thin, short person could sleep there.

This is the view sitting on the bed. I had a moment of panic when I walked in and didn't see a TV. I could not go a week without some of my reality shows. But you see the TV is on top of the closet. There there's a desk and to the left of that is a little refrigerator just sitting on the floor.

This is the view from my window. You can see how brown the grass is. That building in the distance is some sort of grain factory (I think). Not shown in this picture is a styrofoam cup lying on the grass. Who litters like that? I am hoping the wind will come and blow it away.

There's a queen bed. That runner is typically laid across the foot of the bed, but here they've put it diagonally across and it looks sort of goofy.

This is how quickly I trash a hotel room. Open my suitcase, change into comfy clothes and make a mess. Tomorrow work begins.

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