Thursday, March 15, 2012

Moment of Panic

My worst moment today was the minute after my cleaning woman left. I have an antique wooden letter holder with five little areas/rungs, and I very purposely put nothing but checks to be deposited in the bottom area/rung. I have a fear of misplacing a check so it's something I'm very careful about -- I have trained myself to not put a check on a table, even temporarily.

Over the past few weeks, I'd been thinking of this spot since it is on the wall, but sits precariously over my paper recycling box and I have this fear that a check or checks could accidentally fall in the box. I know. As I write this, I'm sounding like a worry wart, but I am a bit of one.

So today, after Ana left, I knew I had two checks, and I noticed the rung was empty and the paper recycling box was empty as well. That's when the panic set in. No checks anywhere. Trying to remember who sent me the two checks, then wondering if I were imagining I had two checks, maybe I didn't have two checks... Ana just left so I could go out to the garbage and get my paper recycling back and look for the checks...but then I spotted them in a safer place.

My heart was literally pounding and I was breathing through my mouth. Ok, Ok, I said, calm down. So I think I need a new solution to where I store checks until I deposit them. It has got to be one place, and I've got to make it a habit to put them there.

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