Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Two Cheap Thrills; Two Moments of Panic

I keep a mental list of cheap thrills -- my favorite is when I'm in a hotel and resetting the clock radio. I always am thrilled when I can sleep later than the previous guest. Hey, I may have to get up at 7 am, but that poor guy had to get up at 6.

My second cheap thrill is commercial ice. Oh, what a luxury. I bought a bag yesterday -- 5 pounds for under 3 dollars. Someday I'll have a refrigerator with an ice machine (but never while I'm living with a tiny NY kitchen), but I hate undoing ice cube trays. How I love just grabbing a handful or two of ice. I feel like a millionaire.

and now, my moments of panic:

Somehow my wallet often hides in my purse. Ok, I'm not anthromorphing (anthromorphosizing) my wallet, but it sometimes appears that my wallet has been stolen. And then, there it is. Maybe this doubles as a cheap thrill.

I just now had a moment of panic finding a long article I finished yesterday, diddled and daddled with it and wanted to read it one more time before I emailed it off -- and it's due today. When I go to Word to open it up, it's nowhere to be found. Panic!!  As my mind starts racing, could I remember enough to rewrite it? I do a search and it doesn't show up. Then I do another search, same words, and there it is, hiding (Hmmm... is this a theme?) and I open it up and there it is in tact.  This relief is on par with the relief one feels when your computer screen (after showing the blue screen of death or something equally hideous) actually shows a normal looking screen, making normal sounding noises, in the normal amount of time.

Man, modern life is hard... that's why I need more cheap thrills. And you?

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