Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Handle Me!

I've been thinking about being handled and trying to figure out when I want to be handled, and when I don't. I returned to the dentist today for the full bad news (which I received). Oprah says that any problem that can be solved with money isn't a problem. Easy for her to say. This dental situation can be solved by money -- in fact, money is the only problem really. I kept hearing Lane's advice in my head: YOU ARE IN CONTROL. It was like a tug on a dog's choke chain for me. When I'd feel myself begin to dissolve, I'd tell myself that I was in control.

Well, this hygienist believes she is director of NYU Dental School. I know she is really trying to be patient-centric and holistic, but I find it annoying. Today, as I'm lying there with a bib on, she is walking me through this brochure and I was pretending to pay attention. I get this fake beatific smile on my face and say "uh-huh" or "oh, OK" and nod my head as if I not only am fascinated but I get the great importance of the info.

At one point, she says in full perky mode: "dont is the latin word for teeth and peri means around so peridontics is... "and I really wanted to say STFU. (In case you don't know that abbrevation, ST stands for "shut the.." and you can figure out the rest.)

So I want to be treated as if I have a brain, and yet I really don't want to hear the explanation. I don't want a language lesson more fit for a sixth grader.
Later, when the appointment was over and I was waiting for the computer to spit out my $15K plan (yes, 15,000 as in dollars), the office woman (whom I actually like the most) is now walking me through the plan and then pulls out this plastic laminated presentation card from an outfit called CreditCare which for 14.9% interest will loan you the money for dental work. Wow. What a deal.

I swear all I could think of is some greasy CreditCare sales rep who provided her with her sales kit and trained her and showed her how to use the chart to explain to potential customers so she could sell CreditCare. I know that medicine is all about the bucks, but I wish they could hide it better or something.

One technique the office woman used which I did appreciate and thought was effective is that she said that I must feel overwhelmed and she wants me to think about the plan and call with questions and that she was not going to make the next appointment until I was able to digest all this.

I don't have any conclusions -- maybe I don't want these people to foist themselves on me as part of my "health-care team" -- just like I don't want strangers to foist themselves on me as new friends.

It does annoy me, though, the breezy way the cashier (or whatever the title is) announces, "Pat, that will be $750 for today" or "Pat, it's $300 for today" on and on and on... as if there is some great well of money that never goes dry because...

there's always CreditCare!


  1. I think with the dont and peri type lecture I appreciate it when I ask a question and they answer me with that kind of information, but what is the point of her presenting it to you unasked? To fill time while you're waiting for someone? To show you how logical it is, so you'll say "oh, if it's around teeth,I see why it's around $15,000"????

  2. She must have asked me a dozen times if I had any questions and seemed somewhat disappointed when I said no. I was thinking later I should have made up some off-topic questions to ask her in a sincere tone such as "If God is merciful, how can he allow little children to suffer?" or "How do you account for the popularity of Rush Limbaugh?" or "What's your favorite pasta?"

  3. I'm sorry... I shouldn't laugh... But your description... I cond't help it!!!

  4. By the way... I finally figured out what I had to do to comment... But I have no idea why I could, then I couldn't...until I filled out some e-blogger form!!
