Monday, June 6, 2011

Dayton, Ohio -- Day two of six

I'm at my destination, and my meeting starts tomorrow for two days. I had one weird experience today. I had gotten off the highway to get gas, and went to one of those gas/convenience store places. As I was getting out of my car to use the restroom, I noticed an Amish couple outside the store going through their suitcases. I just stopped getting out, sat in my car and looked at them -- about 20 feet away.

You see Amish people in television and movies, yet to see some in person is quite another thing. Of course I wanted to photograph them, but didn't think that was appropriate. What was so intriguing to me is that they look like something out of the 1800s who had been dropped in the front of this modern mini-mart.

I went inside and notice a board giving Greyhound bus times, so I guess this place doubled as a bus station. When I left I was going to see if I could take a photo unobtrusively, but I couldn't, which I know is just as well. What I'm trying to say is that they looked like people dressed as Amish, but they were really Amish.

I mentioned I have Sirius satellite radio, and yesterday I had been listening to the standup comedy station where they'd have all different comedians and about 5-minutes from each one. One comedian was doing a bit about people asking dumb questions -- he told of a dinner party where someone said at the table that on the way to dinner he saw a clown walking down the road.

A woman said, "Was it a real clown or just someone dressed as a clown?" -- That was the joke, but it sounded like a question I could ask. I thought of that today, "Were they really Amish or just people dressed like Amish?"

Anyway, here is Columbus at 70 mph:

I'm near Dayton, but outside of it in the country. Here's the view out of my second-floor hotel window. I am at the far end of the Eastern time zone so this photo was taken at 7:30 p.m. --- I'ts now 8:00 and the view is the same.

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