Friday, May 20, 2011

Road Trip: day four and all is well

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the big event at my client and all is well. Tonight was a pre-event dinner. Returning to the hotel, I thought I'd get clever now that I'd figured out right from left and where I should park to be close to my room.

Again, I'm balancing purse, computer tote, and I had stopped for a soda that I was holding... have my hotel key out, and these outer doors are typically kept locked and you use your room key to get in. I was all prepared, patting myself on the back for getting it right this time, and slid the key -- nothing but a red blinking light... did it again, red light, again, red light, again x 20 times, red light x 20. I wipe it, warm it, try the second key about 25 times and finally give up, really pissed off, and walk around the hotel to the front door.

The front desk clerk was all smiles... "you need your key recoded?" I wanted to say, "Yes, but I want to pinch your head off first..." His attitude was really easy come, easy go... volunteered that the problem could either be the door lock mechanism was broken, or the clerk when I checked in screwed up the date. When I am really angry, I tend to not say anything, not ask questions because I know I will just annoy myself more by engaging the person in a discussion.

And tomorrow I check out so it's all for naught. I can't leave until 3 pm tomorrow because of this event and so I don't want to drive that long, but I do want to be on my way, so I made a hotel reservation in St. Clairsville, Ohio which is 4 hours away.

1 comment:

  1. Patience my friend. Have an uneventful trip home. Looking forward to fun and festivities!

