Sunday, April 17, 2011

Peek-a-Boo Azalea

Fran saw this on her walk which she describes as "Azaela breaking out of the big house, well,fence, for a Sunday stroll along Fessenden St, NW DC."

Fran later added: That azaela gave me a big smile. At first I thought someone might have plucked a blossom from the bush and placed it between the slats. But no, the blossom was at the end of a branch from a giant azaela bush behind the fence. More beautiful azaela bushes, these not fenced in, bordered the side of the property. Washington is so beautiful in the spring and today (sun is out) you could see the riotous color on lawns, tree foliage, the cherry blossoms, tulips, azaelas .... ahhhhhh. lovely.

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