Saturday, March 12, 2011

Turning the Clocks Forward

Came upon this list of what other people do in addition to turning the clocks forward tonight. I'm exhausted just looking at this list -- My computers fix themselves, but turning the clocks forward or back is enough work as far as I'm concerned -- no rotating of mattresses for me ... but in case you're feeling peppy, here are some additional 2X a year tasks.

I will say I just did the clothes dryer one, and the toothbrush one, within the last two weeks, but independent of any particular day.

Filters for Heating and Air Conditioning Unit

Batteries for Smoke Detectors and CO2 Monitors

Change Toothbrushes

Throw our old Mascara

Change back-up batteries in electric alarm clocks

Check storm windows and screens: clean, repair, replace

Change Oil in cars

Make Dentist appointments

We update our 72 hour kits Emergency Kits. We rotate the food and clothing.

Rotate the mattresses on the beds

Take down the plastic film that helps insulate your windows for winter

Clean my drains using 1/2 cup baking soda dumped on the drain, followed by a few cups of boiling water.

Change the dryer hose or clean out our dryer ventilation system to help prevent fires

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