Tuesday, December 28, 2010

PS on Povitica

Even though I had written a formal thank you note (patting myself on my back), I wrote my client an email about how much I love the povitica. Here's what she wrote back:

Is it not the most rich, delightful piece of bread you have ever tasted? (Yes, alas, it is full of fat, sugar and calories—but what the heck! It’s the holidays, after all!) I eat it like you did: warmed for a few seconds in the microwave with butter on top.

You are correct on the pronunciation—I was pronouncing it exactly like you at first, until I heard a Croatian woman handing out samples at a local store several years ago pronounce it correctly. This bread is well known throughout Kansas City and actually comes from a local region/section of Kansas City called “Strawberry Hill.” That section of the city is made-up of Italians, Croatians, etc. And, boy, do they know how to cook!

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