Monday, December 20, 2010


I can set the blog to as strict or loose as I want about comments. I have made it as loose as possible -- anybody, anytime, anywhere. Yet some friends have noted that they can't leave a comment.

Tonight Fran told me, and I went to check it out and found out there's a spam filter on comments, and her comment about the moon photos was somehow labeled spam... have no idea why! Her comment doesn't use spammy type words. Now it's posted along with some others that got trapped.

Anyway, I hope you will comment and now I know I need to check the spam filter. Hope that does the trick. I also filled out a feedback form so maybe I'll get some tips on preventing problems with comments.


  1. I told you several times that I could only sing in as anonymous lately. I hope it is okay now.

  2. sorry, I meant sign in...I am not singing right now!
